What Goals Should I Set For My Freelance Business?

Setting goals is essential to any‎ project, even running a freelance business. Running and growing your business can be challenging if‎ you don’t have clear goals, aims, or a purpose. You should set realistic goals for‎ your business, no matter what you want to do with it. This will help you‎ with strategy, planning, and making decisions.

These goals will change and grow over time; that’s‎ a given. Things could change for you, your interests could shift, or you could be‎ presented with a chance you can’t pass up. Because the business is getting better, you‎ might even need to change the goals you set for it. For instance, if you‎ reach a destination faster than you thought, you might be able to set higher goals‎ in that area. On the other hand, failing to reach a goal can show you‎ where to spend more time, money, or skills.

What Are Macro And Micro Goals?

Setting‎ goals for your business is an essential part of writing a business plan. Often, they‎ can be broken down into “macro” and “micro” goals. For your business to succeed in‎ the long run, you must set “big picture” macro goals. In this group are the‎ more significant choices and goals that will require more time and money to reach, like:‎


  • Keeping clients over time
  • Making more money each year and building a more stable and‎ long-term future for the business

Setting and reviewing macro goals is usually done less often,‎ like once or twice a year, or even as part of a five-year plan. But‎ micro goals are smaller, more attainable steps that can be considered quick wins. As the‎ name suggests, these goals can be reached soon, usually with less time and money spent.‎

Various Types Of Business Goals For Freelancers

You can set many different business goals, many‎ of which will depend on your specific situation. Are you working from home at your‎ kitchen table for a long time? You might want to start renting a desk at‎ your favorite co-working space once or twice a week. Another goal could be to pay‎ off all your debts by the beginning of the next tax year. Setting business goals‎ means deciding where you want to go and how you will get there. And so‎ on. If you wish your freelance business to do well, you should work toward some‎ general goals and KPIs.

Setting Financial Targets For Freelancers

Setting goals for your freelance business‎ will, of course, help you stay on track. Here are some ideas that will help‎ you find the right way.


  • Revenue: Determine how much money you want to make by‎ a specific date, every three months, or once a year. You can use this to‎ determine how many sales you need to make to reach your goal.
  • Net profit: It’s‎ great to have a lot of sales, but if your costs are too high, you‎ might not be able to make a profit. Look over your numbers and make a‎ plan to make a certain amount of net profit after all the necessary deductions. This‎ should guide your strategy.
  • Saving money: Savings goals are essential for all businesses, whether big‎ or small and can be maintained on both significant and trim levels.
  • Investments and funding:‎ If you want to put your money into the business or get financing, you should‎ include this in your financial goals. Any lender or investor will want to know what‎ you want to use the funds for and how you plan to do it.

Successful‎ Customers And Keeping Them

Keeping an eye on customer success and retention is another way‎ to guide your business strategy and set goals to show you how well you’re doing.‎ This just means making a goal for how many clients or customers you want to‎ get and then making more goals for how you will work with and keep all‎ of them. Most of the time, your marketing goals and goals for getting new customers‎ will be the same. It might sound a bit business-like for a freelancer working alone,‎ but the idea is still the same!


Suppose you use marketing to get the‎ word out about your business and keep an online presence. In that case, you can‎ check your digital performance against several marketing key performance indicators (KPIs). Things like these are‎ standard marketing metrics:


  • How many people go to your website, profile, page
  • click-through rates and‎ conversion rates can help you determine what people do when they visit your page or‎ profile.
  • How many people follow you on social media and how many times people interact‎ with specific posts

And a lot more! As part of your marketing goals, you should‎ also set some goals for networking. Please don’t go to too many networking events; only‎ go to the ones that will help your business, whether online or off.

Professional Development‎

When you work as a freelancer, your skills are your business. You don’t have a‎ team of people with different skills who can help you diversify and expand what you‎ offer. This is why it’s essential to put personal and professional development goals at the‎ top of your list when running a freelance business.

It will depend on what you‎ do and how you go about this. Getting better as a private chef is very‎ different from getting better at your job as a freelance photographer. No matter your niche,‎ make regular goals to improve and broaden your skills and stick to them. This will‎ keep you current and ahead of the competition, which are two essential things for success‎ and growth.


It’s also essential to think about goals you have outside of work.‎ Besides, you can only do your best work and make the most of your freelance‎ business if you’re happy. Here are some examples of reasonable personal goals you could make:‎


  • Start a new hobby that isn’t related to work.
  • Spend more time with family and‎ friends.
  • Do things you enjoy that take you outside and away from your computer or‎ workshop more often.
  • To enhance your physical and mental health, work out regularly.
  • Take a‎ vacation or a break from work to recharge and start over.
  • Make a plan to‎ deal with stress and strain if you’re feeling burned out. For example, think about how‎ to work fewer hours and still get things done.

Setting these personal goals will help‎ you balance your work and personal life well and keep up with your relationships outside‎ of work.

How A Freelancer Can Measure KPIs

The next step after setting goals is‎ learning to keep track of them. It would help if you kept very close tabs‎ on your KPIs and goals so that you can use their performance or progress to‎ guide your next move. Here are some great ways to see if your freelance business‎ goals have been met:


  • Track your progress against your planned timeline using your business plan.‎
  • Keeping customers and finding out how happy they are (qualitative) and how many new customers‎ you get (quantitative)
  • Profit, sales, and your overall financial situation
  • Metrics used in marketing, like‎ return on ad spend (ROAS), website traffic, or social media followers
  • List of skills, credentials,‎ and certifications

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